Here's what you'll need for this recipe. You can grab everything with a symbol from us:
Pork Tenderloins (Two, around 300g each)
Smoked streaky bacon (Two rashers)
Whole heads of fresh Garlic (Three)
Fresh Thyme
White wine (One glass)
Chicken Stock
Additional Tips:
Make a garlic confit. Sounds hard but it is dead easy. Put 3 whole heads of garlic in a tinfoil packet pour in some olive oil and sprinkle with salt and fresh thyme. Roast in the oven for 30 minutes. Let it cool and pop the garlic cloves into a bowl. Mash up with a little salt. Easy as that!
Put your pork loins side by side and flatten with the base of your palm. Place the thick end of one loin next to the thin end of the other. Dry with some kitchen roll. Spread half of the garlic confit on the flat surface of one of the loins and put the rashers of bacon on top. Now using the twine or the bands tie the loins together sandwiching the garlic and bacon in between. Some garlic may spill out – keep it for the gravy. Put in the fridge ideally for a few hours.
Pre-heat the oven to 180 degs. Add some olive oil and butter in a frying pan [preferably an oven safe one [metal handle]. Add the trussed-up loins and fry for 8-10 minutes until the meat has taken on some lovely colour. Spoon over the oil and butter regularly. Pop the oven safe pan into the oven for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and let it rest under foil while you make the sauce.
Pour off any obvious fat – and add the sliced shallots with a knob of butter. When the shallots are soft, pour in the wine to de-glaze and scrape up any burnt looking bits. Pour in the chicken stock and turn up the heat to reduce by half. Test for seasoning. Pour in any resting juices from the pork. Add the rest of the garlic confit and whisk in a knob of butter with a splash of white wine.
Slice the loin into medallions, pour over the sauce and serve with mash! And finish the wine with it!
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